Monday, January 30, 2006

The SBI Forums

How could I post about all the amazing things with SBI without mentioning the forums. The forums are where all SBIers (that is the term for owners of SBI) discuss their sites. This includes posting questions, responses, comments, concerns etc.

I have been known to post my fair share of questions over this past year and every single time I got a prompt response from a fellow SBIer (sometimes from a few). Everyone on there is professional, polite, business like and still very friendly. I am never embarassed to ask a question. There is never a dumb question on there. Sometimes I don't even need to ask the question. I can do a search in the forums and a lot of times my question has already been asked and answered.

The forums are filled with people from all over the world. I have had conversations in threads with SBIers from New Zealand, Australia, Germany, Italy and some even right here in Ottawa.

Wouldn't you love to meet some of the SBIers? Well, you can. Check out the SBI Family Album!

If you sign up for SBI, make sure to drop into the forums now and again. We'd love to hear what you have to say.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Search It with SBI

Search It! is another cool feature with SBI. It isn't a "new" feature because they launched it a long time ago but I still had to mention it. Basically, every search you could ever want to do while building a site, Search It has it. You can do keyword searches, competition searches, content research and much more. It is an easy to use tool that comes with your SBI package.

Read more here about SBI's Search It!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Cool New Feature at SBI

I should start a long list of really cool features that SBI offers. I will make a note to work on that when I can find some free time.

So, what is this cool new feature at SBI? Please keep in mind that I am not a "techie" and I don't know any of the technical lingo. I am learning as I go so if I don't explain this properly, please don't laugh.

Site Build It (SBI) has created a really cool new feature for tracking where your website's pages rank in the search engines. We can now see where our pages rank on the SEs with a quoted search AND a non-quoted search. I think this is really important because a lot of people don't use quotes when they search for information on the web. They just type in what they are looking for. Actually, up until 1 year ago, I was doing the same thing - I wasn't doing quoted searches.

Of course, all Site Build It's cool features only apply to those of us who have signed up with SBI. Sorry!