Wednesday, December 28, 2005

SBI 2 for 1 Christmas Deal - Deadline EXTENDED!

I have just found out that Site Sell has extended their deadline to get in on the 2 for 1 deal. They have extended the deadline to January 3, 2006 at midnight. That gives you less than a week to get in on this amazing deal. What are you waiting for? Take a peak at the link above to read more about the amazing package that Site Sell offers.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

SBI 2 for 1 Christmas Special

It's baaaaaaacckkk...

For those of you who are familiar with Site Build It (SBI), you know that at Christmas time they offer an amazing 2 for 1 deal. Well, it is back again this year. You can buy 2 SBI sites for the price of 1. You can keep them both for yourself or give one to a friend, family member or colleague. Personally, I think it is an amazing deal!

I am seriously considering buying another site and then giving the other one (the free one) to my parents. They seem very interested in building a website of their own but are still a little worried that they won't understand it all. I have explained to them that just 1 year ago, I was saying the same thing. Now, here I am with a website of my own ( It is also a perfect time for them too considering my mother has just retired! She would be able to dedicate a lot of time to their site. I am still stumped at what else to buy them for Christmas so this would make a great present. They would be pleasantly surprised.

Read more here if you want to know more about the Site Build It Christmas 2 for 1 offer.

First post in my new blog

Well hello everyone! Here I am - I finally made my decision! I decided to start another blog. There are quite few different reasons for why I wanted to do this:
a) people who are looking for information on Ottawa, Ontario, Canada don't want to read about how I built my website
b) people who want to read about Site Sell & Site Build It (SBI) don't want to read about Ottawa
c) I can now stay focused!

To me, those were reasons enough to start a new blog. In this blog I will discuss my journey with SBI and the pros and cons. Stay tuned for lots of great information about site building with Site Sell from a complete newbie's perspective.