Monday, December 11, 2006

The SBI Video Tour

SBI recently released their video tour. Where was this amazing video when I was starting out and doing my research on Affiliate Marketing? This video is very informative and answers so many questions that anyone would have about SBI. Check it out for yourself: SBI Video Tour.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Make money while not working?!?!

Yes, it has been months since I have posted on this blog. Don't worry, I haven't stopped my SBI site. I have just been super busy off the computer and haven't found the time to work on our SBI site too much. I have updated a few pages that need regular updating but that is really about it.

Do you know what the great thing is? Our site is STILL making money! I have probably devoted about 3-4 hours in the past 3 months to the site and our monthly income has not gone down one bit. This is definitely how I would describe a passive income. The site is making money for us even when we are not working on it. How cool is that?!

This is another one of the many reasons that I love Site Sell and everything that it offers.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

What IS Affiliate Marketing?

So, what exactly is Affiliate Marketing? I asked someone this question over a year ago when I was doing research on home based businesses. I had heard so much about it but I didn't know what it was. My friend's husband explained as much as he could to me. The more he told me, the more I wanted to know.

So, in order to stop bugging him with all of my questions, I did a search on line and I came across the explanation from Site Sell and it made even more sense to me. Another reason why I like Site Sell so much is that they always explains things so clearly so that everyone can understand. You don't need a Marketing background to understand everything there is to know about Affiliate Marketing.

If you are confused like I once was then I recommend you read their explanation.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

"You have a broken link"

That was the title of an email in my Inbox this morning. This is yet another great feature about Site Sell. They actually email you to tell you if you have a broken link or links on your site. I am proud to say that in 13 months, I have only received this email twice.

One of the reasons I love this feature is because, as an internet surfer myself, one of my pet peeves is when I do a search on line, find a site that looks like it has the information I need and then when I click on a link for more information I get a message saying that the URL doesn't exist or that page doesn't exist. Grrrr! What a waste of time. I don't ever want this to happen to my readers on my site.

Needless to say, with Site Sell, this is NOT going to happen with my site. Well, if it does, they will be quick to inform me so that I can fix it.

Thanks Site Sell!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Listen to Ken Evoy on the radio!

Who is Ken Evoy you ask? Dr. Ken Evoy is the founder of SiteSell.

A few weeks ago (or maybe more...where does the time go?), I was reading through all the information on SBI and I came across something very cool. I found a link to a radio interview that Ken Evoy did a couple of years ago with Peter Anthony Holder on CJAD. I just assumed it was an old link and it wouldn't work. See, I really don't know that much about computers - I just assumed that seeing as the interview was done in 2003 that the link would be too old to work. Well, I was wrong (as you probably guessed already).

I have to be honest, I was very excited to hear Ken's voice. Maybe "excited" isn't the best way to describe it. I don't really know how to explain how I felt. I had read his material and seen his responses in the forums for the past year and I had no idea what he sounded like. I listened to the entire show...TWICE! I think the show runs for about an hour but the second time I listened to it in segments!

If you are interested in listening to Dr. Ken Evoy then check out his Radio Show!

Monday, January 30, 2006

The SBI Forums

How could I post about all the amazing things with SBI without mentioning the forums. The forums are where all SBIers (that is the term for owners of SBI) discuss their sites. This includes posting questions, responses, comments, concerns etc.

I have been known to post my fair share of questions over this past year and every single time I got a prompt response from a fellow SBIer (sometimes from a few). Everyone on there is professional, polite, business like and still very friendly. I am never embarassed to ask a question. There is never a dumb question on there. Sometimes I don't even need to ask the question. I can do a search in the forums and a lot of times my question has already been asked and answered.

The forums are filled with people from all over the world. I have had conversations in threads with SBIers from New Zealand, Australia, Germany, Italy and some even right here in Ottawa.

Wouldn't you love to meet some of the SBIers? Well, you can. Check out the SBI Family Album!

If you sign up for SBI, make sure to drop into the forums now and again. We'd love to hear what you have to say.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Search It with SBI

Search It! is another cool feature with SBI. It isn't a "new" feature because they launched it a long time ago but I still had to mention it. Basically, every search you could ever want to do while building a site, Search It has it. You can do keyword searches, competition searches, content research and much more. It is an easy to use tool that comes with your SBI package.

Read more here about SBI's Search It!